Summer 2012


Dear Friends of the Huachuca Mountains Member,

It’s time for an update on the activities at Carr House and the activities of Friends of the Huachuca Mountains (FOHM). We are now in the middle of a very eventful 2012 season and we hope that you will be part of it.



The USDA Forest Service announced that effective July 16, 2012:



Visitors are reminded that the Coronado National Forest is in fire season all year.  Conditions now are moist but may revert to hot and dry when monsoonal activity slows or ceases for the summer.  Recreationists are encouraged to practice fire safety at all times, and never to leave a fire unless it is “cold to the touch.”  Additionally, fireworks are always prohibited on all National Forest Lands.





We have a regular flow of visitors at Carr House this season.  Mike Foster, our new host, is doing a great job but it always helps to have a second person there to talk to visitors.  Remember our shifts are from 9 am to 12:30 pm and 12:30 to 4 pm on Saturday and Sunday.  Please contact Mary Beth Sutor by phone ((520) 366-5274) or e-mail ( to sign up for a shift.


Program days are covered but all other shifts are open.  Since we have Mike there full time there is the opportunity to walk with visitors on the Nature Trail or on your own if you wish.  The garden is looking green and lush.  Take a break and come up to Carr House.





Our last Sunday program, “Going Batty over Bats,” by Jane Chambers drew over 60 people; the room was full.  It was a pleasure to see families, both young and old, getting out to the forest and to Carr House.  The programs provide information that helps everyone to fully understand and appreciate the wonderful place we live and how important it is to protect it. The programs begin at 1:30 at Carr House.  The rest of the line up is:


July 29             Birding By Ear, by Rick Romea


Aug. 12            Local Natural and Cultural History Series, “Hydrology of the San Pedro River,” by Mike Foster


Aug. 26                        Migration – bird study beyond bird watching, by Tom Wood


Sept. 9             The Chiricahua Apaches in Myth and History, by Rebecca Orozco


Sept. 23           Firewise Communities, by Rebecca Hodgeson


Be sure to come early to get a good parking space and take some time to see the refurbished nature trail down to the meadow and ruins.




The Board of Directors of FOHM is getting ready to do an inventory of Carr House.  We have added an extensive mineral collection donated by Pat Mosteller and we realize that we need to keep track of all the wonderful exhibits we have at Carr House.


We are also are getting ready for the Annual Meeting (October 21) and elections.  You will be getting a ballot in the mail in the next few months.  If you would like to be on the board just contact Ralph Snapp at 378-9351 or Pat Dillingham at 378-1696 for more information.



I hope to hear from you.


Mary Beth Sutor

Friends of the Huachuca Mountains

Greeter Coordinator