October 2014
Dear Friends –

It seems hard to believe, but another season at Carr House is about to end. There are just two more Sunday afternoon programs before we button things up for the winter. This year’s programs have been very successful thanks to the efforts of our Board of Directors, who have worked so hard coordinating the presentations. And Carr House host Mike Foster has not only assisted with many of the programs but has led flora and fauna walks as well, which have been a hit with our visitors.

Word is starting to spread! Bug Night on July 26 attracted not only lots of bugs but about 70 guests of the two-legged variety. As we start to work on programs for next year we hope you’ll contact us if you have any ideas for new programs, and we also hope you’ll continue to spread the word to your friends, family, co-workers, etc.

2014 Board Members
Ludwig Kuttner
Jane Chambers
Vice President
Judy Phillips
Barbara Kuttner

Pat Dillingham
Carr House Liaison
Ann Smith

Rosemary Snapp

Don’t Forget to Vote!
It’s time to elect Board members for 2015. If you received this newsletter via email, just click on the link in the email to be directed to the electronic ballot. If you received the newsletter in the mail, please use the enclosed ballot postcard to cast your votes.
Save the Date — Annual Membership Meeting is October 26!
Please plan to attend the Annual Meeting at Carr House on October 26. The meeting will start at 12:30 p.m. And plan to stay for the last program of the year!

Dia de los Muertos Celebration — October 26
The Mexican traditional holiday Day of the Dead, or Dia de los Muertos, is celebrated each year in cemeteries along our international boundary and throughout Mexico. On the last day of the Carr House 2014 season, Mike Foster, Carr House host, will present two new educational videos about this celebration. Mike composed his films with footage he collected in Mexico each year for the last 7 years. This year he will show videos that were filmed mostly in tropical deciduous forests of Alamos Sonora where the roots of this Aztec/Catholic holiday are still strong. Traditional Day of the Dead breads and beverages will be served and altars commemorating loved ones that have passed away will be constructed. Join us at 1:30 p.m. in the Carr House where you are welcome to contribute to the altars and wear a festive costume in the beautiful fall environs of our great Huachuca Mountains sky island.

Grant Received
Friends of the Huachuca Mountains recently received a $600.00 grant from Northrop Grumman, which will be used to make our Children’s Discovery Room at Carr House more “hands-on” for our young visitors. We are planning on using the grant funds to set up an interactive table with items that will pique children’s interest in the Huachuca Mountains and their natural surroundings. These educational items may be both replicas and found items from the forest. A “user’s guide” will also be developed so the children can correctly identify the items that they can touch and examine up close. Our plan is for the table to include things such as replica animal tracks and scat, a hummingbird’s nest, antlers, mineral specimens, etc. We sincerely appreciate Northrop Grumman’s partnership with us and their philanthropic interest in the environment and education. Thank you, Judy Phillips, for your work on this grant application, and thank you, Northrop Grumman and your Corporate Citizenship Team, for your generous gift!

FOHM Board Meetings
The FOHM Board meets the second Tuesday of each month at 5 p.m. at the U.S. Forest Service Sierra Vista Ranger Station, 4070 South Avenida Saracino in Hereford. All members are invited to attend. The next meeting will be October 14, and we hope to see you there. Your input is important.
Remember to visit the FOHM website, www.huachucamountains.org, and check out all the information on programs, special events, and the great videos by Mike Foster and other talented contributors.

Carr House Information Center Sunday Afternoon Programs
All programs begin at 1:30 p.m.

October 5: Photographing Nature in the Huachuca Mountains – Bob Herrmann, nature photographer. This presentation takes you through basic fixed lens digital camera settings and equipment used to produce quality nature photographs. A variety of plant, animal and landscape photographs will also be presented to show the basics of how and when to photograph nature in the Huachuca Mountains.

October 26: Dia de los Muertos Celebration – Mike Foster, videographer and Carr House host. The Aztec/Catholic holiday, Day of the Dead, is celebrated in cemeteries just across the international border. Learn more about this holiday through traditional breads and beverages, with accompanying videos.

It was a beautiful day for a history walk!
Rosemary Snapp, FOHM Historian and Carr Canyon resident, gave an interesting talk about some of Carr Canyon’s early residents, the Carr and Todd families, on August 30. Afterward we strolled down to the ruins and tried to visualize what it would have been like to live in Carr Canyon “back in the day.” While there would have been many challenges, all agreed that the site and the “sights” were spectacular!