A Message from the President
It’s great to say we are within days of the Carr House opening for the season on April 2nd. It’s been a challenging past two years, and as of this writing I think I can safely say we will be opening on time, and we will have a full season of programs. This pandemic has been tough on non-profits, but through your support membership has remained solid and our financial footing is strong.
Your Board has remained active throughout the winter. Besides keeping me straight they have ensured all our requirements have been met. A couple of the major accomplishments are:
Revision of the Carr House Host Job Description/Agreement. We are pleased to announce Mike Foster has agreed to return for another season as the Carr House Host. John Broz has agreed to be the host when Mike is not present. Mike and John bring excellent skill sets to our organization.
Development of a FOHM Budget for FY2023. Pat Dillingham along with Board support is finalizing the budget process. Because of a couple of generous donations and a judicious investment portfolio we are on the cusp of being able to have a sustainable financial organization.
FOHM Donor Tree. Judy Phillips started working with Apache Signs to develop a Donor Tree to be placed above the fireplace. This should be accomplished by opening day. The Board is also developing criteria on levels of acknowledgement for donations.
Sunday Speakers Program. Jane Chambers has been putting together a full season’s worth of speakers for our program series. A major thank you to the Forest Service for letting us do this. More information on this will be out shortly.
We are sad to say goodbye to John and Karen Poole, as they will be returning to Oregon April 1st. Their on-site help has been invaluable. Many thanks for the repair work on the front steps. Returning site hosts Brad and Anita Grabowski will be here shortly after the Pooles leave. We are so grateful for the site host program provided by the Forest Service. Having people on-site throughout the year is reassuring, and their efforts to help maintain the Carr House and surrounding grounds are much appreciated.
Please check out the Cochise College Brown Bag Lecture Series, www.cochise.edu/cll. Program presenters will include our own Steve Merkley (April 6), Mike Foster (April 20), and Rosemary Snapp (April 27). Lectures are available in person or via Zoom.
Thank you for all your support, and I look forward to seeing you as the Carr House reopens April 2 and we get back to doing what we do best: Providing educational opportunities and awareness of the natural and cultural history of the Huachuca Mountains.
Eric Andersen
President, Board of Directors
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