Black Bears in the Sky Islands

In addition to covering the range and characteristics of the species, this presentation addresses the challenges involved in managing the black bear population in southeast Arizona.  Specifically examined is the effect of the Monument Fire in 2011 on black bears in the Huachuca Mountains west of Sierra Vista. 

Hooray for Herps-Snakes, Lizards and more

Tom Miscione, herpetologist, will help us learn not to fear these important members of the local eco-system. His many live specimens will let you get up close and personal with a diverse number of snakes and lizards.  Always popular, be sure to come early.

Volcanoes, sky islands, and cordilleras

Sierra Vista is at the center of the Sky Island Archipelago – a collection of mountain ranges that rise high above the deserts and grasslands. They provide critical habitat to an incredible array of flora and fauna that give this region the reputation of one of the most biologically diverse areas in the country. In […]

John and Ila Healy: Carr Canyon Pioneers

Carr House

Carr Canyon Visitor Information Center Saturday, July 7, 9:30 a.m. He was the longest serving officer at Fort Huachuca.  She led mountain lion hunts and collected snakes. John and Ila Healy were naturalists, historians and hosts. And they did so much more from their home in Carr Canyon. The Friends of the Huachuca Mountains invite […]

Migrant Jaguars along the US/Mexico Border

This dramatically illustrated PowerPoint presentation will discuss the current and past history of jaguars and other native wildlife species in the Borderlands area of Arizona, Sonora, New Mexico and Chihuahua.  The discussion will describe current efforts to protect the northernmost breeding population of highly endangered jaguars in northern Mexico, and the challenges faced in maintaining […]

Trogons of the Arizona Borderlands

Rick spent 8 summers beginning in 1977 conducting research on the life history and ecology of Elegant Trogons in Arizona.  His studies soon led him south of the border to look at populations of these and other trogons, and in 1980 he founded Borderland Tours, an international birding tour company dedicated to responsible ecotourism.  Rick […]

Edible Plants – Hike With Mike

Carr House Visitor Information Center Saturday, August 18, 9:30 a.m.   Head on up to Carr House August 18th and prepare to be amazed at the variety of plants in this beautiful setting.  And prepare to be even more amazed at videos showing people of the Southwest gathering and preparing traditional foods and medicines from […]

Sketching in Nature

Let your creativity flow. Come join Carolyn Yeutter, artist and teacher, as she leads you to walk and sketch in nature. Please bring paper and pencils.